Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Best Laid Plans...

Last night as I was watching TV and playing a game on the computer I realized that I don't have a lot of spare time, and what I do have, I waste a lot of.

This is what a typical day looks like:
5:00 am--good morning
6:15 am--leave for work
6:00 pm--get home
6:30 pm--dinner
7:00 pm--free at last
9:00 pm--goodnight

So, I've got about two hours a day of *spare time*. And mostly I do nothing with it but zone out. Not very good for the creative spirit.

After hitting the sack last night I thought that one of the things I want to do is blog more regularly. To that end I decided to put together a blog planner to help me meet that goal. I got the idea from Beckie Farrant on YouTube (find the video here Blog Planner). I printed out some weekly planner and calendar pages on cardstock just so they were sturdy. Staples had a sale on the Martha Stewart Home Office line so I picked up the black and white binder and matching file folders. 

I made a cover page and slipped it into a page protector.

Then I cut down three of the file folders, one for a divider between the weekly planner and calendar pages and two as flaps to hold completed plan pages and note paper. Just added titles and they are good to go.

Hopefully this will help to motivate me in posting more regularly.

Thanks for stopping by.
